Fingerprinting and Background Checks
Jersey Fingerprints provides fingerprinting and background check services in the state of New Jersey.
Mobile Or In Office
Have one of our technicians visit you at your location or visit us!
Fast & Professional
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The Fingerprinting Process
How We Do It
Our technicians focus on providing our background checks and fingerprinting services through the use of our electronic live scan devices. We can fingerprint you and use the electronic printing process to either submit them through internet transactions or print them on a card for you to take at the end of your appointment.
Experienced . Professional . Efficient . Reliable
Why Us
Our team has years of experience in the industry, providing clients with knowledgeable and dependable service. We use our expertise to ensure accurate and thorough results, giving you peace of mind.
We are dedicated professionals committed to delivering the highest level of service to our clients. Our work is fueled by a sense of pride and integrity, guaranteeing your complete satisfaction. You can trust us for all your needs.
Our efficient service ensures that your needs are met quickly and accurately. We prioritize your time and guarantee a smooth and seamless experience, every time. Trust us for fast and reliable service.
At Castles Notary, Fingerprinting for Licensing Applications and Consulting Services, we provide reliable service you can count on. Our team is dedicated to meeting your needs and ensuring accurate, thorough results every time.
Schedule Today!
Our team of experts will help you navigate your fingerprinting and background check needs. Call us or email us!
(123) 456 7890
What are the most important questions our customers ask?
Depending on the appointment you will need the following…
- License
- ID
- Social
- ORI Number
- CRD Number
- Personal Information
- Reason For Fingerprinting
Our technicians do visit you upon request!
Our company performs both ink and live scan appointments.
Contact us here!