The Philosophy of Tea
Harmony, humility, respect and creativity

A tea party is a joyful occasion filled with the expectation of delicious food, good company and happy memories. As we have told you, nothing bad ever happens during afternoon tea. Why? Because there is an unwritten covenant between the hostess and the guests to conduct themselves with dignity and kindness. A tea party could be compared to a wedding or even a religious liturgy. At each of these events, someone has spent a large amount of time and effort preparing a beautiful environment and attending to dozens of details that will add to the guests’ enjoyment. The guests complement the elegance and harmony of the occasion by dressing appropriately and clearing their minds of negative or judgmental thoughts. All of the participants undergo a sort of self-purification process that allows them to enter for a time into sacred space.
Before beginning a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, both the tea master and the guests wash their hands and rinse out their mouths in much the same way that Catholics bless themselves with holy water as they enter a church. Have you ever thought about the fact that almost everyone bathes and puts on clean clothes before attending a wedding? We do this because we want to bring our best selves to this sacred marriage ceremony. Similarly, the host or hostess and the guests at a tea party bring their best selves to this joyful celebration by focusing on the four elements that bring out the best in all of us – Harmony, Humility, Respect and Creativitiy.
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