A tall, elegant cake pedestal can be the visual focal point for an Afternoon Tea gathering. It is a cake plate elevated on an attached, footed stem so that the cake that is placed on it for display will be higher than all of the other foods on the tea table. Naturally the guests’ eyes will be drawn first to the attractive cake and the beautiful pedestal on which it rests. Many of our menus feature at least one cake that is as appealing to the eye as it is to the taste buds, and we will suggest that this is the cake to present on your pedestal. Bundt cakes, round tube cakes and iced and decorated layer cakes are especially suited for a cake pedestal. However, there is nothing to prevent you from serving scones, tea sandwiches or other tea foods from a pedestal.
Many cake pedestals also have a tall glass dome that fits over the plate to protect the food from insects, drying out, children’s fingers and other mishaps before it is eaten. A glass dome is so much more attractive than plastic wrap, and it will keep your cake in good condition until it is time to serve it. Because a cake pedestal with a dome can be as tall as twelve to fourteen inches, it may be difficult to find room in your refrigerator to store a cake on a domed pedestal. We solve this problem by placing the cake first on a fine china plate and wrapping it loosely with plastic wrap for refrigeration if the cake contains whipped cream or other ingredients that need to be kept cold. Then, shortly before it is time to serve the cake, we place the cake, with its attractive plate, onto the pedestal, remove the plastic wrap and cover the cake and plate with the dome. Cakes that can be stored at room temperature can be placed directly on the pedestal and held under the dome until teatime.
Cake pedestals with domes can be very expensive, and they do require a lot of storage space. But we think every hostess should own at least one. Clear glass pedestals with domes have become more affordable in the housewares sections of some department stores, and they often go on sale. They come in a variety of sizes, but we recommend buying a cake pedestal that is at least twelve inches across with a dome of about eleven inches across. This size will accommodate a round, three-layer iced cake or a nine-inch cake on a fine china plate, allowing space for the dome to fit over the plate. We also suggest getting a pedestal with slightly upturned edges or a little lip around the outside. This will make it possible for you to use your pedestal to serve cakes with drippy glazes or desserts like flan covered in liquid caramel, and you will not have to worry about your sweets dripping onto the table cloth.
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The Road Back to Civilization
A Brief History of Tea
Philosophy of Tea
Guidelines for the Host/Hostess
Gathering and Greeting
Sharing Stories
Sharing Food
Sending the Guests Home
Respect your Hostess/Host
Bring a Gift if You Wish
Practice Humility
Monitor Your Conversation
Arrive With a Grateful Attitude
Help if Help is Needed
Do Not Criticize
Leave Gracefully
Send a Thank you Note
A Checklist for Planning a Tea Party
Teas of the World and How to Make Tea
A Sampling of Teas
Herbal Teas and Tisanes
How to Make Tea
Making Iced Tea
Tea Concentrate
Brewing Tea for a Crowd
Tea Kettle
Tea Pot
Tea Cozy
Tea Strainer
Tea Infuser
Three-Tiered Server
Cream Pitcher and Sugar Bowl
Cake Pedestal
Trifle Bowl
Jam Pots
Serving Dishes, Platters, and Trays
Silver Tea Set or Silver Tray
Kitchen Equipment for Food Preparation
Sandwiches and Savories
Savory Spreads and Dips
Scones and Tea Breads
Afternoon Tea and the Four Seasons
A Spring Tea
An Outdoor Summer Tea
A Winter Afternoon Tea
An Autumn Afternoon Tea
January:A Japanese New Year’s Tea
February:Valentine’s Day Tea
March:A St. Patrick’s Day Irish Tea
April:An Easter Tea
May:Mother’s day Tea
June:A Wedding Reception Tea
July:A Picnic Tea
A North American Family Reunion Tea
An Eastern Mediterranean Family Reunion Tea
A Kosher Family Reunion Tea
A Scandinavian Family Reunion Tea
September:An Ozark Farm Harvest Tea
October:A Tea to Honor Our Ancestors(Dia de los Muertos)
November:A Post Thanksgiving Tea
December: A Christmas Tea
In Defense of Fruitcake:Fruitcakes and Candied Fruit
A Chinese Dim Sum Tea
A Portuguese Tea
A Classic British Afternoon Tea
An Indian Chai Party
A California Tea
A Hawaiian Tea
An Italian Tea
An American Southern Tea
A Russian Tea
A French Afternoon Tea
A Kosher Teawith Traditional Jewish Foods
Afternoon Tea for Special Occasions
An Afternoon Tea for Children
A Tea for Our Elders
A Honey Bee Tea in the Garden
An Urban Tea on the Go
Tea for One
Afternoon Tea For a Large Group
A Vegan Tea
A Rose Tea